Southtech by Mikrodidakt
Who and what we are.
Southtech is an idea from the colleagues at Mikrodidakt AB. For years Mikrodidakt have helped companies with protocol converters and we thought it would be a good idea to reach out to more companies that have a need for protocol converters.
Southtech was born and we are here to support companies with protocol converters.
By Mikrodidakt
Mikrodidakt AB started in the early 80´s with an idea of helping out customers with the experties within electronics and software development.
The early 80´s was the time when electronics benefited from large scale integration technologies and made it possible to build a computer with just a few components.
This was the birth of the microcomputer and today it is called an embedded system.
Since then Mikrodidakt are still developing embedded systems.
During the past 40 years that Mikrodidakt has been in business there aren’t many things that we have not done.
Please visit our main site at www.mikrodidakt.se